Vanilla Wow Easy Way to Buff Self With Pally Buffs
2011-05-22,06:05 AM #1
The Patient
Pally buffs
although this isn't a thread about how i miss class variaty and pallys bringing unique buffs to a group, i am wondering which is the better buff for pally dps, kings or might?
I get kings generally helps every class more, but which is a bigger ap gain, what kings gives from str, or what you get from might. Im in slightly over 346 gear seeing as ret is my off off spec if that changes anything
2011-05-22,06:21 AM #2
Bloodsail Admiral
You know that you can just press C and look at your Attack power in no more than 2 clicks, just click each buff
2011-05-22,06:21 AM #3
The Lightbringer
Personal dps? Might. In a raid, use kings if you're the only paladin and there are no druids or leatherworkers around.
2011-05-22,06:25 AM #4
I am Murloc!
Originally Posted by Corylyn
But yes, Might is a better personal dps gain. Kings is better for the majority as it provides intellect for healers, Stam and avoidance for tanks, and str/agility/intellect for dps.
2011-05-22,06:30 AM #5
Kings > Might unless there is another paladin or a druid present.
Or Both a Hunter and Shaman.
Always do kings unless there is someone to override it.
2011-05-22,05:34 PM #6
The Patient
Originally Posted by palladish
2011-05-26,09:12 AM #7
Originally Posted by Playintrafic
There are severtal posts on maintankadin with the theocrafting and numbers about this.
If you are one your own, BoM is better then BoK. For maximizing your dps output.If you are in group, BoK is better most of the time. (Casters need Int and other classes can use the extra agi too)
2011-05-26,09:19 AM #8
Litte offtopic here. Yesterday i saw buff called Blessing of Fargoten Kings, what is that???
2011-05-26,09:24 AM #9
Originally Posted by Ultimator
2011-05-26,09:27 AM #10
Kings is easily the better choice.
the AP boost from kings and might should be the same but with the added benefit of extra crit, health and mana from kings.
2011-05-26,09:43 AM #11
Originally Posted by Eldrig
Wtf are you smoking?
Bom's ap boost is kinda double the one from bok.
With my gear I get 488ap from bok while bom gives me 1020ap.
And the extra crit is laughable,its around a 0,03% boost on it.
2011-05-26,10:26 AM #12
10% ap from Might and 5% str from BoK right?
2011-05-26,10:35 AM #13
Originally Posted by Eldrig
2011-05-26,10:38 AM #14
start with 10 000 ap. add might, 11 000 AP
start with 10 000 ap. add kings, 11 000 AP + crit + health + manaLast edited by mmoc7a70293fbc; 2011-05-26 at 10:39 AM. Reason: missed a 0
2011-05-26,10:48 AM #15
Originally Posted by Eldrig
start with 10119ap add bok 10687
And again the crit gained is trash compared to the extra ap from bom.Last edited by marinos; 2011-05-26 at 11:09 AM.
2011-05-26,11:14 AM #16
Originally Posted by Eldrig
The only way BoK can beat BoM when you have 10,000 AP is for 5% strength be an increase of 500.
For kings to give you 500str/1,000AP you must have 10,000 strength. If you have 10,000 strength, however you're AP will not be anywhere near 10,000 it will be through the fucking roof making BoM HUGELY better for solo dps.For solo purposes BoM will be the higher dps increase. Hands down.
Party based with no other pally/druid(/LW) to BoK/MoTW then BoK is what you should buff. The party increase outweighs the increase for AP users. If there is someone else in the group able to fill that buff then by all means use BoM as extra buffs aren't going to hurt anyoneTL;DR BoK for party if no one else fills that role. BoM for solo dps.
2011-05-26,11:16 AM #17
Originally Posted by Sporky0
2011-05-26,11:45 AM #18
The Lightbringer
Hunters and Shamans can provide the 2 individual parts to Might, so in those cases, using Kings is better, too.
Enhacement Shamans (Unleashed Rage buff) and Marksman Hunters (Trueshot Aura buff), not all of them as one might think by reading this.Last edited by shadowkras; 2011-05-26 at 12:47 PM.
People take stupidity to a whole new level when they sit in front of a computer. Um blog para quem prefere jogos multiplayer.
2011-05-26,12:44 PM #19
Almost, it's Trueshot Aura my MM hunters (hunting party is the melee attack speed buff from surv hunters). But yah, BoM might be better solo, in a group, kings is the winner most of the time. Or you can raid with a paly tank a ret and a holy like I do and have fun fighting over buffs XD
It's not just me, it's ALL rets. Join the ret MS club, get bitches, get money, get nerfed.
It takes idiots to do cool things. That's why they're cool.
2011-05-26,12:47 PM #20
The Lightbringer
Almost, it's Trueshot Aura my MM hunter
People take stupidity to a whole new level when they sit in front of a computer. Um blog para quem prefere jogos multiplayer.
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